Ø 主持科研项目: (1)飞秒激光手术机器人系统集成,2019YFB1311603,国家重点研发计划课题, 247万元,2019-12~2022-11,主持 (2)面向社区的沉浸式智能康复机器人设计与应用,201904b11020035,安徽省重点研发计划对外科技合作项目,30万元,2019-01~2021-12,主持 (3)基于运动映射理论的空间机构运动综合方法研究及其在康复机构设计中的应用,51775155,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元,2018-01~2021-12,主持 (4)国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于运动学映射的平面/球面机构的构型与尺度一体化综合方法研究,2015-2017,25万,主持。 (5)必赢电子游戏网站学术新人提升计划B,2017-2018,20万,主持。 (6)安徽省自然科学基金项目,基于运动学映射的平面机构构型与尺寸一体化设计方法研究,2015-2017,8万,主持。 Ø 部分学术论文: 1. Wanbing Song, Ping Zhao*, Xiangyun Li, Bin Zi, Data-Driven Design of a Six-bar Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Mechanism based on Gait Trajectory Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Oct 2022; doi:10.1109/TNSRE.2022.3217448 2. Ping Zhao*, Yating Zhang, Haiwei Guan, Xueting Deng, Haodong Chen, Design of a Single-DOF Immersive Rehabilitation Device for Clustered Upper Limb Motion, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2021, 13(3): 0-031104. 3. 赵萍*; 宋皖兵; 顾晨晨; 侯其涛; 基于GA-BFGS的六杆下肢康复机构设计, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(10): 50-56. 4. Haodong Chen, Hongbo Zhu, Zhiqiang Teng, and Ping Zhao*, Design of Robotic System for Cognitive Rehabilitation Based On Computer Vision, ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, 2020, DOI: 10.1115/1.4046396 5. Haodong Chen, Zhiqiang Teng, Zheng Guo, and Ping Zhao*, An Integrated Target Acquisition Approach and GUI Tool for Parallel Manipulator Assembly, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 20(2):1-9, 2020 6. Ping Zhao, Yong Wang, Lihong Zhu and Xiangyun Li, A frame-independent comparison metric for discrete motion sequences, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/0954406219898239 7. K. Zhao, Z. Teng, Ni. Gong, Ping Zhao*, Clustering of Human Motion Trajectory for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot Design Based on Machine Learning, In Proceedings of 2019 ASME IMECE Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 9-16, 2019, DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2019-10471 8.Ping Zhao, L. Zhu, B. Zi, X. Li, Design of Planar 1-DOF Cam-Linkages for Lower-Limb Rehabilitation via Kinematic-Mapping Motion Synthesis Framework, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, 11(4), 2019, DOI: 10.1115/1.4043459 9.陈波芝; 陆亮; 雷新宇; 赵萍*; 基于改进快速扩展随机树算法的双机械臂协同避障规划方法, 中国机械工程, 2018, (10): 1220-1226 10.Xiangyun Li, Ping Zhao*, Anurag Purwar, Q.J. Ge, A Unified Approach to Exact and Approximate Motion Synthesis of Spherical Four-Bar Linkages Via Kinematic Mapping, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics,2018, 10(1):011003~01100310。 11.Liang Lu, Chengxing Zong, Xinyun Lei, Bozhi Chen, Ping Zhao*,Fixed-Wing UAV Path Planning in a Dynamic Environment via Dynamic RRT Algorithm [M],Mechanism and Machine Science, Springer,2017 12.Ping Zhao, X. Li, Lihong Zhu, Bin Zi and Q.J. Ge, A Novel Motion Synthesis Approach with Expandable Solution Space for Planar Linkages Based on Kinematic-Mapping. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2016 13.Ping Zhao, Xiangyun Li, Anurag Purwar and Q.J. Ge, A Task Driven Unified Synthesis of Planar Four-Bar and Six-Bar Linkages with R- and PJoints For Five Position Realization. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2016(4), doi: 10.1115/1.4033434 14.Ping Zhao, Xin Ge, Bin Zi and Q.J. Ge, Planar Linkage Synthesis For Mixed Exact and Approximated Motion Realization via Kinematic Mapping. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2015(12), doi: 10.1115/1.4032212 15.L. Zhu, Ping Zhao*, B. Zi, Q.J. Ge, “Simultaneous Type and Dimensional Synthesis Approach with Expandable Solution Space for Planar Linkages”, In Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, OS2-029, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct 24-30, 2015. Ø 部分授权发明专利 [1] Medical Apparatus for Standing Aid, 2017-6-19, US10085906B2. (美国发明专利) [2]一种智能轮椅的控制系统及控制方法, 2015-11-10, CN201510809121.5. (成果已转化) [3]一种具有多重运动的健腰靠背, 2018-11-26, 中国, CN201811418153.2. [4]一种包含锥齿轮和摆动导杆机构的腰背康健装置, 2018-11-26, 中国, CN201811418667.8. [5]一种康复训练轮椅及其智能康复系统, 2020-2-14, 中国, CN201810292733.5. [6]一种智能康复医疗装置, 2019-2-5, 中国, CN201611026826.0. [7]一种用于扑翼机器人实现飞行与奔跑动作切换的变胞机构, 2019-10-1, 中国, CN201810332783.1. [8]一种用于认知康复训练的机械辅助训练设备及其训练方法, 2018-8-30, 中国, CN201811016510.2. [9]一种用于足部按摩器的联动机构, 2018-3-2, 中国, CN201810177427.7. [10]一种辅助站立训练器, 2016-6-21, 中国, CN201810216233.3.