1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,玻璃热成型黏弹界面微观内聚断裂机制与调控,2020-2022,24万元,在研,主持。
2. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,黏弹性摩擦对精密玻璃成型界面应力状态和流动性能的影响,2018-2021,12万元,在研,主持。
1.Zhou Jian*, Chenyu Zhu, Lihua Li, M.C Ng, Kun Liu, Temperature and rate dependent debonding behaviors of precision glass molding interface.Journal of the American Ceramic Society.2021(104): 243-255.
2.Zhou Jian*, Hongkun Xu, Chenyu Zhu, Wentao Ai, Xiaojun Liu, Kun Liu*, High-temperature friction characteristics of N-BK7 glass and their correlation with viscoelastic loss modulus.Ceramics International, 2021(47): 21414-21424.
3.Zhou Jian,Chenyu Zhu, Wei Zhang, Liu Kun*. Experimental and 3D MPFEM simulation on the green density of Ti-6Al-4V powder compact duringuniaxial high velocity compaction.Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2020 (817):153226
4.Zhou Jian, Li Lihua*, Ng MC, Lee WB. Effect of molding machine's stiffness on the thickness of molded glass rings.International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 2019 (10):584-597
5.Zhou Jian, Jianfeng Yu, LJ Lee, Lianguan Shen, and Yi Allen*. Stress relaxation and refractive index change of As2S3 in compression molding.International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 2017 (8):255-265.
6.Zhou Jian, Lihua Li*, Gong Feng, and Liu Kun. Quality dependence study on dimensions for plano‐concave molded glass lenses.International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 2017 (8):266-275.
7.Zhou Jian, He Peng, Yu Jianfeng, Lee LJ, Shen Lianguan, and Yi Allen*. Investigation on the friction coefficient between graphene-coated silicon and glass using barrel compression test.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 2015(33):031213.
8.Zhou Jian, Li Mujun, Hu Yang, Shi Tianyi, Ji Yueliang, and Shen Lianguan*. Numerical evaluation on the curve deviation of the molded glass lens.Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2014 (136):051004